Does God love me? How could He possibly care about me?
What Others Think
The Future
Do not fear the future
The Promise of Transparency
I promise not to conceal.
The Promise of Partnership
I promise that our marriage will be about we and not about me.
The Promise of Pursuit
I promise to always pursue my Two.
The Promise of Priority
Getting your priorities right makes a difference.
Building a Missional Life
The sermon is about living a missional life, which means following Jesus and being a part of his plan for the world. Stetz talks about the importance of making Jesus the most precious thing in our lives and following him, even when it's difficult. He encourages viewers to ask God what he wants them to do next and to be open to following his lead. Stetz also talks about the importance of community and encourages viewers to get involved in their church and to find a small group to grow with.
Made for More: Made to Serve
Following Jesus requires serving others.
Made for More: Access
We all have a yearning to be in the room where it happens.
Made for More: Freedom
You don’t have to live in darkness anymore!
Made for More: Relationships
You have a Heavenly Father who loves you and wants you to belong to Him!
Flesh vs Spirit
Beth shares how the flesh is at war with the Spirit
Rebuild the Altar
It’s never too late to seek God and make Him first in your life
God SIzed Vision: Recap
Together, we continue the vision
Prophecy Fulfilled
Servando Valdovinos unpacks prophecy being fulfilled.
Three Deceptions to Avoid
Jesus warned about three deceptions
Why Plant?
What I plant God makes grow.
The Greatest
Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of God?
It’s Not Fair
God’s grace is radical.