If Jesus is truly coming back, how would we respond?
Missionaries Brandon and Rachel Powell bring the Word about reaching the people of Thailand and also how we need to be local missionaries in our own community.
It's Not Fair!
How do we respond when others get blessed? Do we compare and even criticize? Listen to find out more.
No one is forgotten
This family service focuses on Jesus as the good shepherd. We have an opportunity to follow the example Jesus set for us by reaching out and caring for other people.
Kingdom Stewardship
Godly stewardship requires multiplying, not maintaining.
Who is on first?
Listen as Pastor Ken, unpacks Jesus’ words about the greatest in the Kingdom of God.
Understanding the Soil
We are taken through a Journey of the parable of the Farmer and the seeds from Matthew 13.
When Overwhelmed
What can you do when you are overwhelmed? Listen as Pastor Ken shares how to respond to impossible situations.
How can we stand for Christ in the middle of a world that bows to anything.
Babylonian Mentality
“I Am and there’s none besides me” is the Babylonian motto. How does this infect us through our culture. We fight against this by exalting and acknowledging God and humbling ourselves.
You Can Know!
The Holy Spirit is resident inside every believer. But is every believer allowing Him to be active?
Activate what’s already resident
Every follower of Jesus has received the Holy Spirit. Have we activated Him and His power?
The Lie
Failed? After experiencing the forgiveness of Jesus, there is a big lie that still needs to be confronted.
What should you do?
What should we do AFTER we fail? Pastor Ken shares three things you should do.
Pride & Perspective
A journey through Peter’s pride and eventual new perspective on enduring failure.
After Jesus’ resurrection, He first appears to the most unlikely person.
The Wall
What do you do when you hit the wall in life?
Motivated to Share
St Patrick can help us overcome our fear to share God’s good news!
What if we stopped putting our confidence in ourselves and learned how to put it in God?
Most of us don’t have a clue of HOW to slow down even if we wanted to. When we DO have a few unscheduled moments, it like we’re still glued to our phones. How do we decrease in busy-ness?