What if you’re just one bold prayer away from seeing God do something supernatural?
Inspiration Gifts
The gift of prophesy is all over the Christmas story.
Revelation Gifts
This Christmas, God has some gifts for you!
Walking Through Difficulty: Prepare
We all will have difficult times, What does God have to do with it?
How to Have a Good Fight: Part 2 - 7 Steps for Dealing with Conflict
From Acts 15 we learn 7 steps for dealing with conflict.
How to Have a Good Fight: Part 1 - The Why and the Who
We all have conflict in our relationships. How can you have a good fight?
Thirsty with Nate Elarton
Is your soul satisfied? Are you thirsty?
Choosing Breakthrough: Week 7 - The Sharing Choice
Your greatest ministry will flow out of your greatest pain.
Choosing Breakthrough: Week 6 - The Forgiveness Choice
Choosing Breakthrough: Week 5 - The Identity Choice
I choose to believe what God says about me.
Choosing Breakthrough: Week 4 - The Confession Choice
I openly examine and confess my faults to myself, to God and to someone I trust.”
Choosing Breakthrough: Week 3- The Commitment Choice
I choose to continually commit all my life and will to Christ’s care and control.
Choosing Breakthrough: Week 2- The Hope Choice
I matter to God and He has the power to rescue me.
Choosing Breakthrough: Week 1- The Humility Choice
Breakthrough starts with recognizing your powerlessness.
Grand Opening Sunday
God’s grace is pretty grand.
Miracle Service
God has hope for those who are sick, praying for prodigals, and feel pressed.
Guest Speaker: Brad Andres
Founding pastor of Hope Church in Bellevue, Ohio joins us!
Conformed or Transformed
Are you being conformed or are you being transformed?
Mark 3:22, “…the teachers of religious law who had arrived from Jerusalem said, “[Jesus is] possessed by Satan, the prince of demons. That’s where he gets the power to cast out demons.”
What are demons?!! And what is their job description?
Demons are the fallen angels who sided with Satan when he rebelled against God (Revelation 12:7-8). They are now under Satan’s authority. They are enemies of God and His purposes for humanity (Matthew 12:43-45). They are spirit beings who have personality and intelligence. Demons are the power behind idol gods, so that worship of false gods is actually worship of demons (1 Corinthians 10:20)
Demons can live in the bodies of unbelievers (Mark 5:15; Luke 4:40-41; 8:27-28; etc.). Although not all sickness and disease are the result of evil forces, demons CAN cause physical illness in the human body (Matthew 9:32-33; 12:22; 17:14-18; etc.) Those involved in spiritism, magic, and sorcery are dealing with evil spirits, which can lead to demonic bondage (Acts 13:8-10; 19:19; Galatians 5:20; Revelation 9:20)
Mark 3:23-27, “Jesus called them over and responded with an illustration. “How can Satan cast out Satan?” he asked. 24 “A kingdom divided by civil war will collapse. 25 Similarly, a family splintered by feuding will fall apart. 26 And if Satan is divided and fights against himself, how can he stand? He would never survive. 27 Let me illustrate this further. Who is powerful enough to enter the house of a strong man and plunder his goods? Only someone even stronger—someone who could tie him up and then plunder his house.” (NLT)
Luke 4:18-19
Mark 1:27-28
The supernatural is real. Our actual battle is not against flesh-and-blood enemies (Eph 4:12). Don’t play around with evil. Be quick to confess and turn away from evil.
Jesus is stronger. He has the power to plunder the domain of the enemy. The Holy Spirit anointed Jesus to proclaim freedom and release. Look to Jesus… Seek Him and His Word for freedom.
I am a Christian. That word literally means “Little Christ.” Or better put, it literally means “Little anointed one.” The same Holy Spirit that anoints Jesus, anoints me.
Matthew 10:1, 7-8, “Jesus called his twelve disciples together and gave them authority to cast out evil spirits and to heal every kind of disease and illness… 7 “Go and announce to them that the Kingdom of Heaven is near. 8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received!” (NLT)
Colossians 2:13-15, “You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins. 14 He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross. 15 In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross.” (NLT)
Josh Willaford
Guest Speaker, Josh Willaford, Director of Leadership Development for the Ohio Ministry Network.