What mindset do you have when it comes to change?
Enemies of Christmas: Apathy
What causes us to be indifferent to Jesus?
Enemies of Christmas: Comparison
Most of our family fights start with comparison and jealousy.
Enemies of Christmas: Hurry
Are we in too much of a hurry to see Jesus around us?
Names of God
Pastor Aaron and Logan Robinson share about God’s Name.
Last Days: The World at Jesus’ Coming
What will the world look like at Jesus’ second coming?
Last Days: Second Coming
What does the Bible say about Jesus’ second coming?
Last Days: 7 Events in the Last Days
The Bible describes at least 7 events in the Last Days
Life At The Crossroads
Life comes with crossroads. At every crossroad, you will have a choice to live out your faith. Live Your Faith! There is a difference between talk and walk.
Think Like Jesus: Don't Worry
How can we handle worry?
Think Like Jesus: Treasures in Heaven
How should we think about our stuff?
Think Like Jesus: Save the Children
What does God think about abortion?
Guest speaker, Meghan Boyle shares from God’s Word.
Think Like Jesus: Two Foundations
Are you building your life on a foundation of sand?
Think Like Jesus: Live like Jesus
Jesus prioritizes our obedience.
Think Like Jesus: The Choice
Matthew 7 - What choice are you going to make?
The Narrow and Wide Gates
13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Think Like Jesus: Ask Seek Knock
Pastor Aaron unpacks how to ask, seek, and knock
Think Like Jesus: Do Not Judge?
How should we think about judging others?
Think Like Jesus: Pray Like Jesus
Struggle with prayer? Jesus has the answer.
Think Like Jesus: Motivation Matters
Why do I do the good things I do?