How to be baptized in the Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit: The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Have you been baptized in the Holy Spirit?
Holy Spirit: You have received!
The Holy Spirit is in you!
Front Yard Mission
Moving out in Love toward those God has put in our path.
In the PitStop
How do you handle life's pits? When things happen to you suddenly and it just ain't fair? How you handle those moments can decide if you reach God's destiny for your life.
Disappointed with God: You Need Three Things
When disappointed, you need three things.
Disappointed with God: Part 1- John’s Story
Bring your disappointment to God.
Total Eclipse of the Heart
What keeps you from seeing Jesus?
Strategy for Revival
Join us with Pastor Darrell Bucher as we learn the strategy for revival.
Puzzle of Purpose: Apostolic
Those who are sent.
Puzzle of Purpose: Prophetic
The prophet receives and delivers.
Puzzle of Purpose: Shepherding
God wants every follower of Jesus to be cared for.
Puzzle of Purpose: Discipleship
God wants every follower of Jesus to grow.
Puzzle of Purpose: Evangelism
God wants every person to hear about His Good News
Puzzle of Purpose: Gifts
Jesus gives gifts.
God Sized Vision: 4 Places all at the same time
Jesus has given us an incredible vision!
God Sized Vision: 4 Places all at the same time
Jesus has given us an incredible vision!
The Power to Change: Harvesting and Planting
If you don’t like what you’re harvesting, you can change what you’re planting!
The Power of Change: What You Think About You
You do what you do because of what you think about you. You and I have been so pre-programmed by the enemy’s lies that we don't even believe Jesus’ truth. What lie are you believing about you?
The Power to Change: The One about Friends
Who are you walking with?